
Contact Us: (781) 237-3339



Businesses in the healthcare sector experience some of the most complex accounting transactions, and their financial success rests on accuracy in financial reporting. To operate at your business efficiently and cost-effectively, you need an industry-savvy accounting team. At L&H, our healthcare industry services focus on sole practitioners, group medical practices, and nursing homes.



Sole Practitioners & Group Medical Practices

A high number of transactions, Medicare coding, and billing issues can make for complex accounting and bookkeeping needs. L&H regularly partner with a variety of medical practices, including general practitioners, pediatricians, and dentists.

Our services for medical practices include tax planning, compliance, and preparation and accounting and advisory services, including financial statement audits, reviews, and compilations. We perform agreed upon procedures, SOC engagements, and bookkeeping and payroll services through our affiliate, EBPI. Industry-specific consulting services include:

  • Revenue Review

  • Practice Start-up and Acquisition Services

  • Medical Business Restructuring

  • Set-up and Analysis of Medical-specific Accounting and Computer Systems

  • Developing Retirement Plans

  • Cost Accounting Analysis

  • Contract Review and Negotiation

  • Physician Compensation Models



Nursing Homes

Whether for-profit or not-for-profit, private or public, nursing homes experience complex financial, operational, and regulatory industry requirements. To achieve and sustain financial success and maintain timely compliance, you need a team that focuses on every aspect of your clinical and billing operations.

L&H provides nursing homes with services including tax planning, compliance, and preparation, as well as accounting and advisory services, including financial statement audits, reviews, and compilations. We perform agreed upon procedures, SOC engagements, and bookkeeping and payroll services through our affiliate, EBPI. Our consulting services for nonprofits include:

  • Strategic planning

  • Preparation of Medicare and Medicaid cost reports and related filings with federal and state agencies

  • Examinations of Alternative Sites, including specialty units, advanced certifications, changes in services/licensed bed capacity, and discontinued operations


What We Are Talking To Our Clients About


Nursing Homes

Medicare and Medicaid cost reports and
related filings


Group Practice

Accounting for
Medicare coding,
and billing issues


Sole Practitioners

Set-up and Analysis of Medical-specific Accounting and
Computer Systems


Contact us to learn more about how we can serve your healthcare organization’s needs.


Healthcare Organization Specialist

Maria C. Bunker, CPA

Maria joined Livingston & Haynes as a staff accountant after graduating from Emmanuel College in 1997. She also received a Master’s of Science in Accounting from Bentley University and earned second honors on the CPA exam in Massachusetts. She became a partner in 2017. Her specialties include audits and tax planning. She works with clients in a range of diverse industries including financial services, real estate partnerships, and various nonprofit organizations.